Glossary of Terms & Shapes

Custom MonumentSlant MarkerSlant Marker

Bevel MarkerUpright Monument bevel base

Base Coral Blue with marginBase Coral Blue with no margin



Mausoleum– Mausoleum crypts are available for above ground burial either in climate controlled buildings or outside garden buildings. Early church history tells us the first mausoleum was built in 353 BC for King Mausolus, from whose name the word “mausoleum” was derived.

Crypt– is a stone-chambered above ground burial vault.

Cremation– Cremation is the reduction of the body of a deceased person to recoverable bone fragments through a process that combines intense heat and evaporation.  After cooling, the fragments are pulverized.  These fragments usually weigh 4-10 pounds.

Urn– a vase-like vessel containing the cremains of a loved one.

Foundation– A foundation is an in-ground block of concrete to help keep your memorial leveled.

Laser Etching– The laser can engrave 200 times per square inch instantaneously on the granite operated by a computer from a design file.

Sandblast– roughen or clean (a granite surface) with a jet of sand driven by compressed air or steam.

Temporary marker– a marker to distinguish your loved one’s grave plot before the permanent monument is set in place.